In the first week of November a trip was made by a group of 25 to visit two Don Bosco locations; the schools in Emiliano Zapata and Tilzapotla that showed us the two ways of educating the students to achieve a Prepa qualification.
Terry Elizondo with Pedro Antonio
I really enjoyed the day, especially as I have never had contact with an association such as Don Bosco.
Jennifer Cooper - UNAM
Emiliano Zapata School
Sponsor “How long does it take you to get to school?” Student 1..”45 minutes walking”, Student 2 “An hour as I do not walk so fast”, Sponsor, "Do you have a bicycle?" “No"
Kris Salgado with Jesús González González and Ericka Molina Ríos
What a a wonderful excursion! Seeing the kids in action is very motivating and I truly enjoyed meeting Jesus and Erika. Charlie did a great job conducting the trip. Kris Salgado
Jonathan Emerson with Carolina Ocampo
Carolina Ocampo to her sponsor “Please will you attend my graduation?”
Prospective sponsor “please send me the names and profiles of the students at Tilzapotla that need a sponsor”.
Adrienne and Eduardo Socorro meet with Antonio Sandoval
John Mitchell disembarking the transport
Remigio Gonzales in a note to his sponsor Rosa Maria Valero “Le quiero agradecer por su apoyo…le cuento que mis padres y yo estamos muy felices por el apoyo. I THANK YOU VERY MUCH"
Carmelina Perez in a note to her sponsor Yolanda Islas Hernandez “…le agradezco por el apoyo que me esta brindando con la prepa, ya que me permite progresarme y construir un futuro mejor para mi vida…”
Sponsor “Anyone use public transport?” Erika Molina (the only one I found) “Yes, it costs $23 per day in transport”
Sponsor “What would you be doing today if you were not at school?”
Answer from a 15 year old boy…”Working in La Milpa” Check out 'Milpa' in Wikipedia.
Student “My mother makes money for us by selling fruit and vegetables.” Sponsor “You grow them at home?” Answer “No, we don’t have land for that”.
Antonio Sandoval, Alejandro Buenos Aires and Carol Hopkins in E. Zapata School
Maricela Reyes Torres “I have 7 siblings, 3 in education and 2 are working to bring in the money for the family, I am lucky to be here in Don Bosco”