Rosa Maria Mendiola Barrera

John and Gillian Ball
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Rosa María Mendiola Barrera is 16 years old. Her family is made up of mother, sister and stepfather. Her mother is a housewife and stepfather is a farmer who does not earn much but helps with school expenses. Rosa Maria also works to help with costs of living. Her mother is due for an operation in November. She is really impressed with the school and feels that she will get out the school the effort that she puts in. Finishing Prepa and continuing to study at University level is her goal and she would like to be a lawyer
Rosa María Mendiola Barrera tiene 16 años. Su familia está formada por madre, hermana y padrastro. Su madre es ama de casa y su padrastro es un granjero que no gana mucho pero ayuda con los gastos escolares. Rosa María también trabaja para ayudar con los costos de vida. Su madre debe ser operada en noviembre. Está realmente impresionada con la escuela y siente que sacará de la escuela el esfuerzo que pone. Terminar Prepa y seguir estudiando a nivel universitario es su meta y le gustaría ser abogada.