Diego Cantor Pineda

Aberto A. + Renee and Nicolo P
Sponsor location
San Antonio TX USA and Cuernavaca, Morelos
AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY OF HIS COMPUTER, OSCAR WAS ILL WITH DENGUE AND HIS MOTHER COLLECTED HIS COMPU, Diego Cantor Pineda, 16, wants to go to the University and is studying in Don Bosco Tilzapotla. He has 3 brothers and they live with their parents. What the father earns is not enough to make ends meet. Diego works on Saturdays and some evenings to help the family finances. He wants to make the family proud of him as the alternative assisted Prepa study in Don Bosco is going to work at a low paid job now.
AL MOMENTO DE LA ENTREGA DE SU COMPUTADORA, OSCAR ESTABA ENFERMO DE DENGUE Y SU MADRE RECOGIÓ SU COMPU, Cantor Pineda, de 16 años, quiere ir a la Universidad y está estudiando en Don Bosco Tilzapotla. Tiene 3 hermanos y viven con sus padres. Lo que gana el padre no es suficiente para llegar a fin de mes. Diego trabaja los sábados y algunas tardes para ayudar a las finanzas familiares. Quiere que la familia se sienta orgullosa de él, ya que el estudio alternativo de Prepa asistido en Don Bosco va a tener un trabajo mal pagado ahora.