Bryan Alexis Ramos Salas
John Mitchell
Sponsor location
Cuernavaca, Morelos
Brayan Alexis Ramos Salas is 16 and from Popotlan Morelos. He lives with his parents and two younger brothers. His father is a trader selling furniture and his mother a housewife. His tastes are listening to music, playing soccer with his father in the afternoons and on weekends he helps his grandparents sell meat. Brayan would like to study about people’s rights and to be able to contribute and make a difference to society, so he knows he needs to study.
Brayan Alexis Ramos Salas tiene 16 años y es de Popotlán Morelos. Vive con sus padres y dos hermanos menores. Su padre es comerciante de muebles y su madre ama de casa. Sus gustos son escuchar música, jugar al fútbol con su padre por las tardes y los fines de semana ayuda a sus abuelos a vender carne. A Brayan le gustaría estudiar sobre los derechos de las personas y poder contribuir y marcar una diferencia en la sociedad, por lo que sabe que necesita estudiar.