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Brayan Valduino Vidal Alvarez


Brayan Valduino Vidal Alvarez


Jennifer Werner

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Brayan is 16 years old and lives with his mother, sister and 3 cousins. He likes studying on line, it is "cool" and there is always a teacher there to help. His aim to to be a Physical Education teacher and will graduate from Prepa to achieve that. He loves football and spending time with the family

Brayan tiene 16 años y vive con su madre, su hermana y 3 primos. Le gusta estudiar en línea, es "padrel" y siempre hay un profesor para ayudar. Su objetivo es ser profesor de Educación Física y se graduará de la Prepa para lograrlo. Le encanta el fútbol y pasar tiempo con la familia.

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