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Aldrich Betzael Morales Baez

Juan Morales

Aldrich Betzael Morales Baez


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Aldrich has two younger brothers and lives with his parents. His father is an 'albiñil' and his mother is a stylist and has a beauty shop. His description of home life is very positive, there is good communication and he does not feel that he lacks anything. He enjoys school and can see himself graduate and join the National Guard to have a veterinary career. Ultimately to have his own family and build his own home.

Aldrich tiene dos hermanos menores y vive con sus padres. Su padre es albiñil y su madre es estilista y tiene un salón de belleza. Su descripción de la vida hogareña es muy positiva, hay buena comunicación y no siente que le falte nada. Le gusta la escuela y puede verse a sí mismo graduarse y unirse a la Guardia Nacional para tener una carrera veterinaria. En última instancia, tener su propia familia y construir su propia casa.

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